Advocacy Centre Assists Children

Brooke McLardy (left), and Saskia Morelissen, Child and Youth Advocate, check out the renovations for a Child and Youth Advocacy centre.
Morning Star Staff – Friday, September 25, 2015
Key services for children will have a new home.
The Vernon Women’s Transition House Society has leased the former NOCLS Day Centre for a future Child and Youth Advocacy Centre.
“A Child and Youth Advocacy Centre is a central location where children who have been abused, sexually assaulted or witnessed a crime such as domestic violence can go to report their abuse,” said Brooke McLardy, Transition House Acting Executive Director.
“Police and child welfare workers provide team interviews so that children and youth only have to be interviewed once, reducing the amount of systemic trauma they experience. Being in a comfortable environment with supportive staff allows the child to make fuller disclosures of what has happened to them. This leads to better judicial and child protection outcomes as well as better long-term social, emotional, psychological and health outcomes for the child.”
Renovations on the site are underway and a Grand Opening is planned for the week of October 20th.
“The project requires volunteers to get the site ready and donations of specific items or cash are also welcome and appreciated,” said McLardy.
To volunteer or donate, call 250-558-3850.